So I looked on the last blog and realized that was when we were living in Clearfield and also that Zach was only a few months old. Ok, Zach will be 19 months old this week....uhh...needless to say its been awhile....
Happenings here in the Pettit home:
We are now living in Lehi. We moved here a few months ago. Our first house!! :) We honestly just LOVE living here! We have the perfect size backyard and its totally flat and green. We have plenty of space to grow into (with a finished basement)...not that we use it for anything beyond storage. We are backed up to our church which is nice to look at and also kind of private. Its a two-story which is what I really wanted, but didn't know if we could get. I just LOVE our house!! I just feel SOO blessed to be here. I think it was good that we had to live in Orem for a little while with no breathing room to really appriciate what an amazing blessing it is to live here, but I just feel so in awe and totally content. I dont want anything bigger or "better" I just love our home and plan to stay for years to come. That is a nice feeling for me and I plan to keep it!
Zach is growing and growing. He is such a fun little guy.. I say guy because he is no longer a baby...sad. He's a little boy. He is in the 88th percentile for his height! Yeah! I am SOO proud. He is saying a few words, but mostly he points or gets out what he wants and then brings it to you. He is quite a resourceful little guy. He opens the fridge and will pull out the cheese or fruit and bring it to you to open if he cant. He also knows how to find all of the other little treasures around the house. He is so cute and such a tease. His favorite game is tag. He will "tag" you and want you to chase him. I think the other nursery kids are a little confused sometimes though when he pokes them and he's confused as to why they dont poke him back. ....I hope they dont think he is being mean :/. We our going to get his pictures taken again soon. I hope they turn out cute!
Brett is working hard in school and work. He is doing well! Better than he gives himself credit! I don't know how he juggles all thats on his plate, but he is amazing! He is having so much fun doing the yard. Its cute to see him be so proud.
I am still working on my classes. I am taking it slow now. I realized, I dont really care WHEN I graduate as long as I do. I do not want to miss this precious time with Zach just to finish earlier. Some would be so proud I am finally COOKING! I have to say its not all that bad. Brett's schedule has him home for dinner, so I cook. I am doing ok. Its not great, but I am a beginner!
Other than that... Brad is engaged to Rachel are getting married July 23rd. I am really excited! They are in love and Rachel will be a great addition to the family, she fits.
We are going to H-town (Houston) in a few weeks and a Disney Cruise in August. More to come on those later! :)
So now we are caught up! Pictures to come!
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